Sabtu, 16 April 2016

Teknik Dan Proses Keselamatan Kerja ( TUGAS 8)

1.      Latar Belakang
Sebagai akibat dari laju kecepatan yang terus meningkat di seluruh dunia liberalisasi perdagangan dan ekonomi, juga kemajuan teknologi, jumlah kecelakaan kerja dan penyakit semakin meningkat di banyak negara berkembang. Utamanya diperkirakan setiap tahun lebih dari 1,2 juta jiwa pekerja tewas akibat kecelakaan kerja dan penyakit serta 250 juta kecelakaan kerja dan 160.000.000 penyakit terkait dengan pekerjaan yang terjadi. Kerugian ekonomi terkait kecelakaan kerja ditambah dengan adanya penyakit ini diperkirakan sebesar 4% dari produk nasional bruto dunia.
Setelah sukses dengan pengenalan pendekatan system untuk manajemen oleh ISO melalui serangkaian manajemen mutu (ISO 9000) dan manajemen lingkungan (ISO 14000) pada awal 1990-an, ada pandangan bahwa pendekatan yang sama dapat digunakan untuk mengelola keselamatan dan kesehatan di tingkat organisasi. Mungkin inisiatif dari pekerjaan untuk mengembangkan sebuah standar ISO pada system manajemen K3 telah dibahas pada lokakarya ISO internasional tentang Sistem Manajemen K3 Standardisasi pada tahun 1996. Lokakarya membentuk pandangan bahwa ISO harus menghentikan upaya masing-masing dan bahwa ILO, karena struktur tripartite tersebut, akan menjadi lebih tepat tumbuh daripada ISO untuk menguraikan dokumen panduan internasional untuk pembentukan dan pelaksanaan keselamatan kerja yang efektif dan system manajemen kesehatan.
Intinya dalam kesimpulan lokakarya, keselamatan kerja dan cabang kesehatan (sekarang: kerja yang aman) dari ILO, dalam kerjasama IOHA, dimulai pada tahun 1998 dengan identifikasi elemen kunci dalam system manajemem K3 yang ada. Langkah pertama adalah untuk memeriksa ada standar system manajemen K3 serta adanya dokumen bimbingan. Berdasarkan penelahaan ini, unsur-unsur umum dari system manajemen K3 telah diidentifikasi dan disusun terkait pedoman rancangan. Selama hampir dua tahun, rancangan tersebut secara sistematis ditinjau oleh pakar internasional, dan ditingkatkan terus.
Pada akhir tahun 1999, BSI, sebuah badan anggota ISO, meluncurkan sebuah proposal resmi untuk pembentukan sebuah bidang baru di bidang kesehatan, kegiatan teknis dan manajemen keselamatan, dengan tujuan untuk mengembangkan sebuah standar ISO. Inisiatif ini bersaing dengan ISO, untuk terus-menerus ILO akan dihadapi dengan oposisi internasional yang kuat dan kampanye untuk menghentikan kerja ISO. Ini menghasilkan kegagalan usulan BSI yang mendukung ILO.
Rancangan akhir dokumen ILO telah diserahkan untuk komentar pada ILO Januari 2001. Panduan ILO atas keselamatan dan system manajemen kesehatan (K3 ILO-2001) yang disahkan pada pertemuan tripartite (ahli dari ketiga pihak) pada bulan April 2001. Badan ILO menyetujui penerbitan pedoman pada bulan Juni 2001. Pedoman ini diterbitkan pada bulan Desember 2001.

2.      Pedoman ILO tentang Sistem Manajemen K3 (ILO-OSH 2001)
ILO-OSH 2001 memberikan suatu model yang cukup unik di tingkat internasional, cocok dengan standar system manajemen dan semua pedoman yang terkait dengannya. Tidak mengikat secara hukum, dan tidak dimaksudkan untuk menggantikan hukum nasional, regulasi, dan standar yang telah diterima oleh umum. Ini menggambarkan bahwa nilai-nilai pada ILO, seperti persetujuan antara tiga pihak, dan relevan dengan standar internasional yang termasuk di dalamnya Konvensi Keselamatan dan Kesehatan tahun 1981 dan Konvensi Pelayanan Kesehatan Kerja tahun 1985. Pengaplikasiannya tidak memerlukan sertifikasi, tetapi tidak mengecualikan sertifikasi sebagai alat pengakuan praktek yang baik jika ini adalah keinginan negara tersebut dalam melaksanakan pedoman-pedoman ILO demi mendorong terjadinya integrasi Sistem Manajemen K3 dengan system manajemen lain, dan menyatakan bahwa K3 harus menjadi bagian integral dari manajemen bisnis. Sedangkan integrasi yang diinginkan, diperlukan pengaturan yang fleksibel tergantung pada ukuran dan jenis operasi. Memastikan kinerja K3 yang baik adalah lebih penting daripada formalitas integrasi. ILO-K3 2001 menekankan bahwa K3 harus menjadi tanggung jawab manajemen lini di organisasi. Pedoman memberikan panduan untuk implementasi pada dua tingkat : organisasi dan nasional.

A.    Keselamatan Kerja Nasional dan Kerangka Sistem Manajemen Kesehatan

Pada tingkat nasional, mereka menyediakan untuk pembentukan kerangka nasional demi system manajemen keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3), hal ini sebaiknya didukung oleh UU dan peraturan nasional. Aksi di tingkat nasional termasuk nominasi dari lembaga yang kompeten untuk system manajemen K3, perumusan kebijakan nasional yang koheren dan pembentukan kerangka kerja untuk aplikasi nasional yang efektif dari ILO-OSH 2001, baik dengan cara langsung melaksanakan dalam organisasi atau yang adaptasi dengan kondisi nasional dan praktek oleh pedoman nasional serta kebutuhan spesifik organisasi sesuai dengan ukuran dan sifat kegiatan (oleh pedoman disesuaikan).
Kebijakan nasional untuk system manajemen K3 harus dirumuskan oleh lembaga yang kompeten dalam berkonsultasi dengan organisasi pekerja dan pengusaha, selain itu juga harus mempertimbangkan:
a.       Promosi Sistem Manajemen K3 sebagai bagian dari manajemen keseluruhan
b.      Menghindari  birokrasi, administrasi, serta biaya yang tidak terlalu diperlukan,
c.       Dukungan oleh Inspektorat tenaga kerja, keselamatan dan kesehatan, juga layanan lainnya.

   Fungsi dan tanggung jawab institusi pelaksanaan harus ditetapkan secara jelas. Angka   1 dari pedoman menggambarkan unsure-unsur kerangka nasional untuk system manajemen K3. Hal ini menunjukkan cara yang berbeda dalam K3 ILO-2001 ternyata dapat diimplementasikan di Negara anggota.

A.    Sistem Manajemen K3 di dalam organisasi

Bab 3 dari ILO-OSH 2001 berkaitan dengan system manajemen K3 di tingkat organisasi. Pedoman menekankan bahwa kepatuhan terhadap hukum dan peraturan nasional adalah tanggung jawab majikan. ILO-OSH 2001 mendorong terintegrasinya elemen system manajemen K3 ke dalam kebijakan secara keseluruhan dan pengaturan manajemen, serta menekankan hal tersebut pada tingkat organisasi, K3 harus menjadi tanggung jawab lini manajemen, dan tidak harus dilihat sebagai tugas untuk departemen K3 dan/atau spesialis.
Sistem manajemen K3 dalam organisasi memiliki lima bagian utama yang mengikuti siklus berstandar internasional, yakni siklus Plan-Do-Check-Act, dimana dasar dari pendekatan system ini diperuntukan bagi manajemen. Bagian tersebut adalah Kebijakan, Pengorganisasian, Perencanaan dan Pelaksanaan, Evaluasi, dan Tindakan Perbaikan.
Kebijakan tersebut mengandung unsur-unsur kebijakan K3 dan partisipasi kerja. Hal itu adalah dasar dari system manajemen K3, seperti menentukan arah bagi organisasi untuk mengikutinya. Pengorganisasian (Organizing) dalam hal ini mengandung unsur tanggung jawab dan akuntabilitas, kompetensi dan pelatihan, dokumentasi dan komunikasi. Utamanya daripada hal tersebut untuk memastikan struktur manajemen di tempat, serta tanggung jawab yang diperlukan dialokasikan untuk memberikan kebijakan K3. Perencanaan dan implementasi (Planning and Implementation) mengandung unsur-unsur dari tinjauan awal, system perencanaan, pengembangan dan implementasi, tujuan K3 dan pencegahan bahaya. Melalui kajian awal, menunjukkan di mana organisasi tersebut berdiri khususnya tentang K3, dan menggunakan hal ini sebagai dasar untuk melaksanakan kebijakan K3.
Evaluasi (Evaluation) mengandung unsur-unsur pemantauan dan pengukuran kinerja, investigasi cedera yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan, sakit dan sehat, penyakit dan insiden, serta audit dan tinjauan manajemen. Hal itu menunjukkan bagaimana fungsi system manajemen K3 dan mengidentifikasi setiap kelemahan yang perlu diperbaiki. Hal ini termasuk unsur yang sangat penting dari audit, yang harus dilakukan pada setiap tahap. Pihak independent dari kegiatan yang akan diaudit haruslah melakukan audit. Hal ini tidak selalu berarti auditor itu dari pihak ketiga saja. Tindakan untuk perbaikan mencakup unsur-unsur tindakan pencegahan dan perbaikan yang ditingkatkan secara terus-menerus. Hal tersebut menerapkan tindakan preventif dan korektif yang diperlukan, lalu diidentifikasi, dievaluasi, serta di audit pula. Hal tersebut juga menekankan perlunya perbaikan secara terus-menerus terhadap kinerja K3 melalui perkembangan kebijakan yang konstan, system dan teknik untuk mencegah dan mengendalikan cedera yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan, kesakitan, penyakit, dan insiden.
 Bagian utama dan unsur mereka dari manajemen system OSH pada organisasi    diperlihatkan pada gambar di bawah ini.

Undang-Undang K3
  1. Undang-Undang Uap Tahun 1930 (Stoom Ordonnantie).
  2. Undang-Undang No 1 Tahun 1970 tentang Keselamatan Kerja.
  3. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No 13 Tahun 203 tentang Ketenagakerjaan.
Peraturan Pemerintah terkait K3
  1. Peraturan Uap Tahun 1930 (Stoom Verordening).
  2. Peraturan Pemerintah No 7 Tahun 1973 tentang Pengawasan atas Peredaran, Penyimpanan dan Peredaran Pestisida.
  3. peraturan Pemerintah No 19 Tahun 1973 tentang Pengaturan dan Pengawasan Keselamatan Kerja di Bidang Pertambangan.
  4. Peraturan Pemerintah No 11 Tahun 1979 tentang keselamatan Kerja Pada Pemurnian dan Pengolahan Minyak dan Gas Bumi.
Peraturan Menteri terkait K3
  1. Permenakertranskop RI No 1 Tahun 1976 tentang Kewajiban Latihan Hiperkes Bagi Dokter Perusahaan.
  2. Permenakertrans RI No 1 Tahun 1978 tentang Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja dalam Pengangkutan dan Penebangan Kayu.
  3. Permenakertrans RI No 3 Tahun 1978 tentang Penunjukan dan Wewenang Serta Kewajiban Pegawai Pengawas Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja dan Ahli Keselamatan Kerja.
  4. Permenakertrans RI No 1 Tahun 19879 tentang Kewajiban Latihan Hygienen Perusahaan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja bagi Tenaga Paramedis Perusahaan.
  5. Permenakertrans RI No 1 Tahun 1980 tentang Keselamatan Kerja pada Konstruksi Bangunan.
  6. Permenakertrans RI No 2 Tahun 1980 tentang Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Tenaga Kerja Dalam Penyelenggaraan Keselamatan Kerja.
  7. Permenakertrans RI No 4 Tahun 1980 tentang Syarat-syarat Pemasangan dan Pemeliharaan Alat Pemadam Api Ringan.
  8. Permenakertrans RI No 1 Tahun 1981 tentang Kewajiban Melapor Penyakit Akibat Kerja.
  9. Permenakertrans RI No 1 Tahun 1982 tentang Bejana Tekan.
  10. Permenakertrans RI No 2 Tahun 1982 tentang Kualifikasi Juru Las.
  11. Permenakertrans RI No 3 Tahun 1982 tentang Pelayanan Kesehatan Tenaga Kerja.
  12. Permenaker RI No 2 Tahun 1983 tentang Instalasi Alarm Kebakaran Otomatis.
  13. Permenaker RI No 3 Tahun 1985 tentang Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Pemakaian Asbes.
  14. Permenaker RI No 4 Tahun 1985 tentang Pesawat Tenaga dan Produksi.
  15. Permenaker RI No 5 Tahun 1985 tentang Pesawat Angkat dan Angkut.
  16. Permenaker RI No 4 Tahun 1987 tentang Panitia Pembina Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Serta Tata Cara Penunjukan Ahli Keselamatan Kerja.
  17. Permenaker RI No 1 Tahun 1988 tentang Kualifikasi dan Syarat-syarat Operator Pesawat Uap.
  18. Permenaker RI No 1 Tahun 1989 tentang Kualifikasi dan Syarat-syarat Operator Keran Angkat.
  19. Permenaker RI No 2 Tahun 1989 tentang Pengawasan Instalasi-instalasi Penyalur Petir.
  20. Permenaker RI No 2 Tahun 1992 tentang Tata Cara Penunjukan, Kewajiban dan Wewenang Ahli Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja.
  21. Permenaker RI No 4 Tahun 1995 tentang Perusahaan Jasa Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja.
  22. Permenaker RI No 5 Tahun 1996 tentang Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja.
  23. Permenaker RI No 1 Tahun 1998 tentang Penyelenggaraan Pemeliharaan Kesehatan Bagi Tenaga Kerja dengan Manfaat Lebih Dari Paket Jaminan Pemeliharaan Dasar Jaminan Sosial Tenaga Kerja.
  24. Permenaker RI No 3 Tahun 1998 tentang Tata Cara Pelaporan dan Pemeriksaan Kecelakaan.
  25. Permenaker RI No 4 Tahun 1998 tentang Pengangkatan, Pemberhentian dan tata Kerja Dokter Penasehat.
  26. Permenaker RI No 3 Tahun 1999 tentang Syarat-syarat Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Lift untuk Pengangkutan Orang dan Barang.
Keputusan Menteri terkait K3
  1. Kepmenaker RI No 155 Tahun 1984 tentang Penyempurnaan keputusan Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Nomor Kep 125/MEN/82 Tentang Pembentukan, Susunan dan Tata Kerja Dewan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Nasional, Dewan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Wilayah dan Panitia Pembina Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja.
  2. Keputusan Bersama Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum RI No 174 Tahun 1986 No 104/KPTS/1986 tentang Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja pada Tempat Kegiatan Konstruksi.
  3. Kepmenaker RI No 1135 Tahun 1987 tentang Bendera keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja.
  4. Kepmenaker RI No 333 Tahun 1989 tentang Diagnosis dan Pelaporan Penyakit Akibat Kerja.
  5. Kepmenaker RI No 245 Tahun 1990 tentang Hari Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Nasional.
  6. Kepmenaker RI No 51 Tahun 1999 tentang Nilai Ambang Batas Faktor Fisika di Tempat Kerja.
  7. Kepmenaker RI No 186 Tahun 1999 tentang Unit Penanggulangan Kebakaran di Tempat Kerja.
  8. Kepmenaker RI No 197 Thun 1999 tentang Pengendalian Bahan Kimia Berbahaya.
  9. Kepmenakertrans RI No 75 Tahun 2002 tentang Pemberlakuan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) No SNI-04-0225-2000 Mengenai Persyaratan Umum Instalasi Listrik 2000 (PUIL 2000) di Tempat Kerja.
  10. Kepmenakertrans RI No 235 Tahun 2003 tentang Jenis-jenis Pekerjaan yang Membahayakan Kesehatan, Keselamatan atau Moral Anak.
  11. Kepmenakertrnas RI No 68 Tahun 2004 tentang Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan HIV/AIDS di Tempat Kerja.

Teknik Dan Proses Keselamatan Kerja ( TUGAS 7)


JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards)
Japanese Industrial Standar (JIS) menentukan standar yang digunakan untuk kegiatan industri di Jepang. Proses standardisasi dikoordinasikan oleh Komite Standar Industri Jepang dan dipublikasikan melalui Jepang Standards Association.

Note : Appendix I is summarized based on the contents of Appendix II
Appendix I
The outline of the Act (Act No. 82 of amendments of the Industrial Safety and Health Act June 25, 2014) making partial

(1)   Explanatory note;
The partial amendments of the Industrial Safety and Health Act, this time, are grounded in the recent occurrence of Occupational Accidents and Diseases especially such as the bile duct cancer due to hazardous chemical substances which are not regulated by the special regulations, mental health disorder and recurrence of Accidents in a similar way.These situations have been understood as serious problems, and the objectives of the said amendments are to enhance the system for the prevention of Occupational Accidents and Diseases. The situations and the necessity of countermeasures with respect to the issues and situations mentioned above are as follows,
Necessity of Countermeasures
The occurrence of the bile duct cancer as the Occupational Disease due to hazardous chemical substances which are not covered by the special regulations.
To respond appropriately, based on the results of the investigation, in advance, on the danger and/or hazard regarding the said chemical substances. (with regard to Article 28-2 and the new establishment of Article 57-3)
The increase of the cases of mental health disorder, compensated as the Occupational Disease.
To respond appropriately, based on the results of the assessment of the state of health, including mental issues, of the worker concerned, in advance of falling into mental health disorder. (with regard to the new establishment of Article 66-10)
The same kind of the Occupational Accident occurred repeatedly in the other work place of the same company.
To prevent the same kind of the said Accident in the other workplace of the same company. (with regard to the amendment of Article 78)

Note : the outlines of the amendments including the above 3 points are as follows.

(2)   Six points of the amendments of the Industrial Safety and Health Act, this time, are as follows.
1.      Review of the way that should be, of the appropriate control of the hazardous chemicals.
·         To make it compulsory obligation that the employer shall investigate danger or harm of such chemical substances as are not covered by the special regulations and have certain dangerous and/or harmful properties. with regard to the new establishment of Article 57-3) Note; this provision will be enforced from 1st, June, 2016.

2.      Establishment of the system of assessing of the degree of the worker’s mental burden,
·         To make it compulsory obligation that the employer shall conduct the medical examination in order to assess the degree of the worker’s mental burden for his/her worker by the physician, public health nurse or other competent person. However, this compulsory obligation shall, for a while, be such one as to endeavour to conduct the said medical examination for each workplace of the scale defined by Cabinet Order ( provided for as regularly employing less than fifty workers.
·         To make it compulsory obligation that the employer, when he/she conducted the medical examination in order to assess the degree of the worker’s mental burden for his/her worker by the physician, public health nurse or other competent person, shall provide the worker who was informed the results of the examination and desires to get the guidance with face-to-face by the physician for him/her, and then based on its results, the said employer, by taking into consideration of the opinions of the physician, and when it is deemed necessary, shall take measures including changing the work contents, shortening the working hours, or other appropriate measures. (With regard to the new establishment of Article 66-10)
Note1: this provision will be enforced from 1st, December, 2015.
Note2: the treatment of this compulsory obligation to conduct the examination into allowing a certain scale of workplace to endeavour to conduct it for a while, bases its legal ground on the supplementary provision added this time revision.
Note3: this system is so called as “Stress-Check System”, expressed in the Notice of No. 0501-3, dated 1st, May, 2015, issued by the Director General, Labour Standards Bureau, prescribing details and interpretation of this System.

3.      Promotion of such measures as to prevent harmful influences by Passive Smoking,
·         To make it compulsory obligation that the employer, shall endeavour to take such appropriate measures as to prevent harmful influences by the Passive Smoking, taking into consideration of the actual circumstances of the said employer as well as his/her workplace. (With regard to the new establishment of Article 68-2)
Note; this provision was enforced from 1st, June, 2015.

4        Response to such employers as repeating occurrence of severe Occupational Accidents and/or Diseases,
·         To create the administrative system that the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare may instruct the said employer to prepare comprehensive improvement plan with respect to safety and health, covering his/her whole company. In this case, if the said employer does not comply with the said Minister’s instruction, the said Minister may make the recommendation to take necessary measures in order to prevent severe Occupational Accidents or Diseases, to the said employer. And then, if the said employer does not comply with the said recommendation, the said Minister may announce such situation. (With regard to the amendment of Article 78, omitted in this paper.)
Note; this provision was enforced from 1st, June, 2015.

5.      Response to the Inspection Agency concerned, located in foreign countries,
·         Taking into consideration of the international situations with respect to the Inspection Agency concerned, in addition to usual system, to add another administrative one that the Inspection Agency who conducts the inspection of such machines like boilers requiring specially dangerous operations, etc., and located in foreign countries, may be registered as the said Inspection Agency by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare and enable the said Agency to act in Japan. (With regard to the amendment of Article 46, 52, etc.; omitted in this paper.)
Note; this provision was enforced from 1st, June, 2015.

6.      Review of the system of such notification of the plan as requested, in the case of the type of industry concerned and the scale of the establishment concerned, as well as the addition of the machine to be undergone the type examination by the registered type examination agency,
·         Taking into consideration of a good state of compliance of the employer concerned with respect to the said Notification of the plan, the provision of the said notification of the plan was abolished.
·         To add the Air Purifying Respirator with electric powered fan, which is obligated that workers shall use in such workplaces as the concentration of the dust is high in the air, to the machines to be undergone the type examination by the registered type examination agency. (With regard to the amendment of Article 42, 44-2, 46, 88, appended Table2, etc.; omitted in this paper.)
Note; this provision was enforced from 1st, December, 2014.

This translation is not formally accepted, because the only legally effective texts of the main provisions, mentioned above are the ones which were published in Japanese, in the Official Gazette, issued by the Government of Japan.

However, this translation is offered as a reference in order to promote the international understanding of the main provisions among the amendments by the Act (Act No. 82 of June 25, 2014) making partial amendments of the Industrial Safety and Health Act.
While great care is taken with the Translation of the main provisions among the amendments by the Act (Act No. 82 of June 25, 2014) making partial amendments of the Industrial Safety and Health Act, from the Japanese, original, legal text into English, in the following Appendix    the International Affairs Division, International Affairs Center, Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association, accepts no responsibility for meaning of these provisions included in the following translation, as legally actual effects.

Appendix II
The main provisions among the amendments by the Act (Act No. 82 of June 25, 2014) making partial amendments of the Industrial Safety and Health Act

The Amended Provisions (abstract)
(Investigation, etc. to be carried out by Employer)
Article 28-2 The employer shall, as provided for by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, endeavour to investigate the danger or harm etc., due to buildings, facilities, raw materials, gases, vapours, dust, etc. (excluding the danger or harm, etc., due to the materials, provided for in the Cabinet Order, provided for in paragraph (1) of Article 57 and the notifiable substances provided for in paragraph (1) of Article 57-2 and those arising from work actions and other duties, and to take necessary measures preventing from dangers or health impairment to workers, in addition to taking the measures provided for by the provisions pursuant to this Act or the orders, based on the results of the said investigation. However, in case of the investigation other than investigation to substances including chemicals, preparations containing chemicals and others, which are likely to bring about danger or health impairment to workers, this shall apply to the employer of the undertaking in the manufacturing industry or other industries provided for by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. Paragraph (2) and (3); Omitted here.
(Investigation with respect to the materials, provided for in the Cabinet Order based on paragraph (1) of Article 57 and the notifiable substances , etc. to be carried out by Employer)
Article 57-3 The employer shall, as provided for by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, investigate the danger or harm etc., due to the materials, provided for in the Cabinet Order, provided for in paragraph
(1) of Article 57 and the notifiable substances.
(2) The employer shall endeavour to take necessary measures for preventing dangers or health impairment to workers, in addition to taking the measures provided for by the provisions pursuant to this Act or the orders, based on the results of the investigation provided for inthe preceding paragraph.
(3) The Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare shall make publish the necessary 2 guidelines relating to the measures provided for in the preceding two paragraphs to achieve an appropriate and effective implementation thereof, in addition to those provided for in paragraph (1) and (3) of Article 28.
(4) The Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare may provide individual employers and organizations of employers with necessary guidance and assistance, etc., under the guidelines in the preceding paragraph.
(Medical examination for assessing the degree of a mental burden of the worker )
Article 66-10 The employer shall, as provided for by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, conduct the medical examination in order to assess the degree of the worker’s mental burden for his/her worker by the physician, public health nurse or other competent person (hereafter, referred as“ the physician, etc.”).
(2) The employer shall, as provided for by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, ensure to be notified the results of the medical examination, provided for in the preceding paragraph from the physician, etc. who conducted the said examination, to the worker, examined pursuant to the preceding paragraph. In this case, the said physician, etc. shall not offer the results of the said examination to the employer concerned without the advance consent to do so from the said worker.
(3) In case where his/her worker, among the workers concerned who received the notification, pursuant to the preceding paragraph, and his/her worker’s degree of the burden of mental health fallsunder the required condition considering the maintenance of the said worker’s health as provided for by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and when his/her worker concerned, makes an offer to be undergone the face-to-face guidance by the physician, the employer shall, as provided for by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, conduct the face-to-face guidance by the physician to the said worker. In this case, the employer concerned, shall not make a disadvantageous treatment to the said worker.
(4) The employer shall, as provided for by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, record the result of the face-to-face guidance by the physician, pursuant to the preceding paragraph.
(5) The employer shall, based on the results of the face-to-face guidance by the
physician, pursuant to the provision of the third paragraph, as provided for by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, listen to the opinions of the physician concerned, about the necessary measure in order to maintain the health of the said worker.
(6) The employer shall, by taking consideration of the opinions of the physician,
pursuant to the preceding paragraph, and when it is deemed necessary, take 3 measures including changing the location of work, changing the work contents, shortening the working hours, reducing the frequency of night work or other measures, along with reporting the opinion of the said physician to the Health Committee, the Safety and Health Committee or the Committee for the Improvement of Establishing Working Hours, and other appropriate measures, considering the circumstances of the said worker.
(7) The Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare shall publish the necessary guidelines relating to the measures in the preceding paragraph to achieve an appropriate and effective implementation thereof.
(8) The Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare may, when the Minister published the guidelines, pursuant to the preceding paragraph, and it is deemed necessary, provide individual employers and organizations of employers with the necessary guidance and assistance, etc., under the guidelines in the preceding paragraph.
(9) The State shall endeavour to conduct study training for the physician, etc., with respect to the influences due to the degree of the mental burden of the worker in order to maintain the workers’ health, in addition, to take such measures as to provide health counselling and other services to the said worker, in order to promote the health of the said worker who uses the notified results, pursuant tothe second paragraph.
(Prevention of Passive Smoking)
Article 68-2 The employer shall endeavor to take necessary measures in order to
Prevent the Passive Smoking (meaning to inhale tobacco smoke, blown out by other people, the interior of the building or in the other equivalent environment. In the paragraph (1) of Article 71, referred to as the same.), considering the circumstances of the said employer and his/her workplace.
Supplementary Provisions
(special case for the Medical examination for assessing a degree of a mental burden of the worker )
Article 4 In applying of Article 66-10 to the workplace other than the one provided for the paragraph (1) of Article 13, “shall conduct” in paragraph (1) of the said Article shall be read for a while as “shall endeavour to conduct”.